Late War Overhoff & Cie on correct leather belt.

Well John in Devon beat me to posting one of these here even though I think we bought ours on the same day. Mine came from the Great White North and took longer to get here, but get here it finally did.

Disclaimer. This is the first SS item I’ve ever posted on the site, and there may not be another, but this one is very nice.

Even though the first four hours of my day were shoveling and plowing, and the last four were helping a new neighbor with some house electrical. Around midday, I was eagerly waiting for the mail, which did not disappoint! So I snuck upstairs, managed to get off a couple dozen shots, luckily there was one or two I liked. Then the neighbor showed up, wouldn’t be put off anymore, and off I went.

So, now after dinner… I finally get to post it. On the correct late war style belt. I’ve always liked the look of these belts, it’s a real WWII design as opposed to the previous which had been around for a very long time.

I’m also partial to late war items.


Click to enlarge the picture


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