88mm Flak 18 wicker pannier.
It’s nice when something which has been eluding you for ages is added to your collection. My latest is one of those very distinctive wicker carriers for three 88mm rounds. The Germans must have used millions of them, but after the war all they could really be used for was firewood……as a result, they can be irritatingly hard to find, and if seen at Continental fairs can be ’silly money’.
Anyhow, this one turned up on French e-bay from a seller in Caen. Cost was reasonable ( but the postage wasn’t cheap - it’s big and heavy ) and it arrived full of dust, cobwebs, and ears of corn but it’s undamaged with no rot . No lid, sadly, but these were usually torn off on arrival at the front and discarded. I’ve seen loose lids at fairs in the past, so the project goes on…..:o