Air Corps Docs Saved from Trash
Old Lady Sent Me to the Dump Last Weekend. My wife likes that I am getting stuff out of the house but I always come back with "junk" which are her words
Saw older looking box near the recyclingarea (super slim pickings lately I think another local gets there earlier on Saturday mornings)
Saw older looking box near the recyclingarea (super slim pickings lately I think another local gets there earlier on Saturday mornings)
What I found Great Set of Us Training Documents for US Army Air Corps, Some other sets will post this is just the rest soon.
Sadly they have no connection to the previous items listed earlier
Very interesting, great maps, work books ect.
I have taken advance matmatics in college but this stuff is no joke! no calculators ect. I bet now a days if this was the program most student would cry and soild themelves. Amazing skill set these guys had. General P
Sorry about the sideways pics. I am picture post challenged lately need to improve- will also post in allied docs forum