Flak Helmet story from a Vet!

Hello All
Some know that I’m putting together a collection of WW2 AAF Gear to honor My Uncle Joe’s service. I am very fortunate to have the left waist gunner on the B17 that my uncle was shot down in still alive and sharp as a tack. So I was thinking about adding a Flak helmet to my collection. So I called Phil to talk to him and asked if he ever wore a flak helmet while flying his missions, He said "No, nobody on the crew wore one, We would just use them to piss into and when the pee froze we would toss it out the window’!!!!!!! I just LMAO and then he said "No really thats what we did"!!!! So I guess I’ll skip the flak helmet for my collection or if I do run across one, I’ll have to see if it smells funny first!!!!!So if you got one and it smells funny you now know why.cool militaria
Semper Fi

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