
guys i got this n a lot of items, i took the lot on a trade. so i need to have this plaque/table disc looked at, verified and valued…. it is very heavy, somewhat large, very detailed and know its for hitlers 50th bday… bt i am unsure of it. as i havent seen one before. the guy i got it from says guys used to throw cash at him trying to buy it . ive done alot of digging around, i can only find one similar on german international. madeby the same maker… but bronze and a price tag of $1,800… - not saying any certain individual would pay that much for a bronze disc. but the guy who i have worked the deal out with has only seen the one on g.i.com… & that one is 1,800. i do not know if this disc should be held in such a high regard …nor the other one… ‘price wise’

so guys please help me figure out exactly what it is and what its value is so i can complete the trade deal and learn somethin :)

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