An old friend.

Hi guys,

when I was a nipper I befriended an elderly Scottish gentleman who I learned had fought in the war. He was a layman at the nearby church where I would play football on Sunday afternoons. He told me that he had been a sergeant and fought in the rear-guard at Dunkirk. He also told me that he had trained for mountain warfare in Scotland but it had not come off and instead he had fought in the low-lands of Holland.

One day he said that because he had no children of his own (his wife had been killed in the blitz), and because I had always shown an interest he was giving me his great-coat and some bits and bobs. He said the great-coat had kept him warm sleeping under trucks many-a-cold night in France.

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He also gave me a boxed book which was the history of his regiment during WW2. It’s called ‘Mountain and Flood - The History Of The 52nd (Lowland) Division 1939-1946′.

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He has written inside the book under his name, "B" Squadron 52nd Recce. Regt. R.A.C, HQ Squadron Lothian and Border House. Inside the book he had also put in two envelopes. One containing assorted insignia that he had collected, and one containing paper money that he had collected as he fought his way through Europe.

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One of the fabled 50,000 Deutsch Mark notes was folded inside the envelope from 1922.

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..and a couple of badges.

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It’s actually quite touching uploading it all and thinking back about him. He passed away many years ago so the opportunity to really ask him about his adventures has long gone. Out of interest, apart from the Sergeant stripes what insignia would he worn on his great-coat. One day I plan to build a complete uniform around it.

Many thanks guys, hope you find it of some interest.


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