New English Language Tinnie Book

Hello everyone,

It is with great pleasure that Joe Cassidy & myself can announce that on October 1st, 2012 we are all set to release our second reference book ‘Donation Badges, Pins & Pendants of the Third Reich’. This project is quite a bit larger than our first endeavor and the quality and content really is really evident! This new book features 316 pages with 1,200 full color photos…many larger than the actual item themselves. We have attached a nice array of sample pages in this email for you to review…please take a look and let us know what you think!

We listened to the feedback from many of you concerning our first book and we were able to make some small cosmetic changes that we believe will make for an even better reference guide. One small thing that was added was a simple small box next to each item number. Now you can check off your pieces as you work your way through your various collections. We felt that this was a nice way to be able to remember what you have and what you need in some of those sets without having to dig out your riker mounts! The biggest change that you will see is we are now featuring two different binding options for this second book. We found out that the heavy paper that we chose to use did not hold up well with the style of binding that we used on the first book. We didn’t want to sacrifice the paper quality so we have decided to go to a ‘coil/spiral’ binding. I was somewhat against this at first but after seeing how it allowed you to lay your book completely flat against a table I was sold on it. We are also happy to be able to offer a more stable hard bound copy this time around as well…there will be a small fee to order the hard bound copy instead of the ‘coil/spiral’ bound edition.

Here is a complete list of the different chapters that we will be featuring in this book. You will see that almost all of these have never really been done in English or color before. The highlight in my opinion is the 404 piece ‘Tag der Wehrmacht’ section. This is an area that has long needed a reference guide…and we were glad to finally be able to do that!

Deutsches Jugendherbergwerk (DJH) – German Youth Hostels (111 pieces)
Deutsches Luftsportverband (DLV) (37 items)
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK) – German Red Cross (267 pieces)
Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland (VDA) (216 pieces)
Bergwacht – Mountain Rescue (1 piece)
Caritas (2 pieces)
Deutscher Flottenverband (1 piece)
Erntedankfest (14 pieces)
Hitler Jugend Plastic Athletes (7 pieces)
Innere Mission (8 pieces)
Mutter und Kind (33 pieces)
Reichsmütterdienst (25 pieces)
Reichsluftschutzbund (21 pieces)
Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge (10 pieces)
Opferschiessen für das WHW (50 pieces)
Tag der Deutschen Polizei für das Winterhilfswerk (TdP) – German Police Day for the WHW (88 pieces)
Tag der Wehrmacht für das Winterhilfswerk (TdW) – Armed Forces Day for the WHW (404 pieces)

For those that are interested in adding a copy to their library the costs are $49.95 for the spiral edition and $59.95 for the hard bound edition. We will not know the actual shipping charges until we receive the books from the publisher so this price is excluding shipping. Once the books arrive we will contact you with the actual shipping charges. To pre-order a copy simply email us @ and indicate your name, where you are from (shipping) and what edition you would like to order. Once we have the entire cost (including shipping) you will be sent a PayPal invoice for the total amount. All pre-orderd books will be shipped out on October 1st, 2012. If you would like an autographed or dedicated copy please include that request in your email.

We thank everyone again for the continued support and patronage! We are very confident that you will all find this new reference material worthy of your library!

Thanks again everyone,

Chrys Alexander & Joe Cassidy, | German Winter Relief Organization

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