Swedish Volunteer Corps (Svenska Frivilligkåren) militaria

A Brief Background…

The Swedish Volunteer Corps (Svenska Frivilligkåren) comprised 8,402 Swedish volunteers. During the Winter War elements of the SFK began relieving five Finnish battalions at Märkäjärvi in mid-February. I the subsequent battles with Soviet forces, thirty-three men died in action, among them the commander of the first relieving unit, Lieutenant Colonel Magnus Dyrssen.

Here are a few photos of some Swedish insignia, medals and commemorative awards plus some other Swedish militaria that would have been used by the SFK volunteers.

The Commemoration Cross (Frivilligkorset - Svenska Finlandsfrivilligas minnesförening)

[ATTACH=CONFIG]396828[/ATTACHmy Commemorative Medal for Swedish Volunteers in the Winter War and Continuation War back.jpg

Plaque for Swedish Volunteers in the Winter War (Minnesplakett för SFK under Vinterkriget)

[ATTACH=CONFIG]396830[/ATTACHmy Commemorative Plaque for Swedish Volunteers in the Winter War and Continuation War (Line Serv.jpg
There are two types of plaques - the one I have is for SFK volunteers that served at the Front during the Winter War.

Swedish m26 helmet taken to Finland by SFK volunteers(a variation of the m21 helmet)
Swedish m26.jpg
German style liner
Swedish m21-18 (German type liner-wartime).jpg

Swedish Volunteer Corps weapons.JPG

Swedish Volunteer badges.jpg

Finnish Awards Document for Commemorative Medal of the Winter War with Karelian Isthmus clasp 2.jpg

my Swedish SFK insignia - left - I. Battle Group (I.stridsgruppen), right - Swedish Volunteer Co.jpg

Attached Images

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