My new dd heer(et 62)

It’s arrived! This is my latest helmet which is an apple green double decal ET 62 with the lot number 3969.I am really pleased with this one as it has a real "been there,done that" look to it.It has it’s original non magnetic chinstrap(undated) and the liner is supple with all rivets solid and untouched.I cant see the date on the inner band as there is to much dirt build up but i can see the size 56 which matches perfectly with the 55 stamped leather.After cleaning the inner up of 50 or 60 years of grime(the helmet came from a scottish basement)the initails of the original owner could be seen(H.K).The decals are in fair condition and are both evenly toned with crazeing to a matching level of wear and tear,and the apple green finish is about 60-65% complete.All in all a nice used double decal HEER,i hope you enjoy a look and can use it for reference.

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