A haunting Japanese prayer flag…

I intend to use this flag as a teaching aid that will definitely shock and capture the attention of my students. I must admit that this flag has a certain haunting quality to it…
Good Luck Flags, 9-11-12 001.jpg
There are blood stains on this flag, so there is no doubt that it saw combat. You will notice darker colored splotches here and there on the flag. All of the characters were painted onto the field with brush and black ink. When the soldier was wounded/killed, his blood mixed with the ink in a few places and made it run. There is one small (3/4 inch) cut in the material inside the red center and perhaps 2-3 much smaller holes across the front.
For me… it’s chilling… almost macabre that the blood of the soldier mixed with the ink of the well-wishes and words of encouragement and protection that his family/ loved ones wrote for him and caused the ink to run…
What do you folks think?