Unusual book ’shop’ reveals little gem !

Hi all

Well, I was visiting the in-laws and just round the corner from where they live is one of those ‘front room’ book shops, run by an old feller who just wants to sell books. I visit it whenever I am at the in-laws and rarely find anything WW2, but am usually surprised by some of the books he has there.

This time was no exception. In amongst a box of maps and old football programs I found…..

‘The young officers guide to ilitary law’ published in 1943

‘The Battle of Britain’ a government pamphlet/booklet published in 1941 and still claiming over 2000 confirmed kills

‘The RAF in Russia’ a 1941 published book of an RAF Hurricane squadrons trip and stay in Russia.

And this……

This just took the biscuit. And the price for all 4………was just that. £4.


A handbook for a Hotchkiss portable machine gun.








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