Bare Helmet Shells - what were they?

I bought a bunch of black painted helmet shells from Poland in the late 1990s. I sold most, but kept four - a collection of the various wartime shells (M35,40,42). I’ve often wondered what these might have been before they were stripped of their wartime paint. In my review of this website and others, I see that some serial numbers might be related to certain batches of significance. If I post these numbers here, I’d appreciate any information you can give me on them, including when they were produced.

I’ve thought about getting them "restored" - an evil thing to many of you - but I wouldn’t mind making it known that these serial numbers are from helmets which are/will be "restored" aka, fake. As a poor collector, I hope to have something sitting on my shelf which look like something I could never afford.

Can anyone recommend a good helmet "restorer"?

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