Made in Spain Pistol, 1800’s? Did i score with this?

Hi, picked up this gun for $75, thought it was a fair price but when I inspected it closer i realized it looks like it has been fired, smells like powder, and the trigger and hammer work perfect. This is my first antique gun purchase at an auction.

Says Made in Spain, barrel looks rifled. Could i make a few bucks on this or trade it for a Nazi ww2 item? Offers Welcome!
Fingers crossed that i bought something good, even if I break even I’d be happy to display this even give it a shot someday.

Thanks All,
Longmeadow, Massachusettsphotobucket-5058-1340818129246.jpgphotobucket-1041-1340818486685.jpgphotobucket-3252-1340818377738.jpgphotobucket-9699-1340818423938.jpgphotobucket-21570-1340818575804.jpgphotobucket-6995-1340818503737.jpgphotobucket-11730-1340818296131.jpgphotobucket-2576-1340818653467.jpgphotobucket-4242-1340818321970.jpg

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