Question Types of beaded Luftschutz helmets??

I have bought a beaded luftschutz helmet from a forum member ( it is on it’s way down under ) and being my first I got to doing some research on the types and liner construction and I have a few questions for the more knowledgeable out there.

1) As I understand, the gladiator styles were available for private purchase for about 5 to 8 reichsmarks. These all had the lightweight "civic" liner. The beaded design was slightly heavier ( but not as heavy as a normal combat helmet ) and were made in M35, M40 & M42 models. They DO NOT have the decal showing the price or size so how were they provided? free issue - & to whom? ….. flak units ????

2) The beaded model had both civic and so called "combat" style liners - why…..? and who got what?

3) Was the beaded police helmet the same as the beaded luftschutz in construction and liner? Where would the distinction be made in the wearing of the field police ( feldgendarmarie ) combat helmet and the beaded police? City and combat areas I guess, but how was the demarcation sorted out?

Sorry for the "twenty questions" lads - just trying to understand it all.
Cheers, Dan

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