Red Breasts are annoying me!
Two Robin Red Breasts bird have taken over my garden and my life!
It started about 2 months ago when I noticed that a Robin was flying into my garden quite often and loudly chirping it’s head off. I thought it was quite cute at first, friendly little bird etc…
Now I’ve got 2 of them and they don’t shut up from dawn till about 10pm. As soon as I open the back door, they’re there on the garden fence, jumping up and down, shouting at me!..It’s driving me nuts! They won’t budge even when the cats go out there, in fact, that makes the chirping even worse because these birds think they are invincible!. Whats the Monty Python sketch with the Knight that won’t give up even after his legs and arms have been chopped off!
I would never have before considered shooting a Robin but I’m getting really close now!
Any other alternatives though?