Mud men

Ok, ive just watched the last episode of Mud Men , who for some reason decided to refrain from the meaning of the title , and pay a visit to a Polish Battlefield area, the finds were good, including ordnance both live and inert/spent, but how bloody ignorant can programme researchers get and allow the two "stars" and i use that term sparingly, to continually refer to the german troops , tanks, items found , as Nazi, every flaming sentence when describing something was nazi this nazi that, apart from Johnny Vaughan who is one of the most annoying presenters on the box since it was invented , what is the matter with programmers, im sure that this was not always the case and my theory is that these new kids know no better, they are too young , have very little knowledge of history and care even less, and as with every episode, a quarter is finding items, then watching the two idiots replicating a part of history followed by a visit to a pub and all the while "Vaughanie" shouting his way through, interupting the experts who cant get a word in sideways, and they let this twat have a mudlark licence to dig 3" below surface, i wouldnt let him near a potting shed let alone handling historic items, oh and according to him one of the MGs used by the "nazis" was an MG 32 , thank god he’s gone off the screens for a while, i thought i would find the series informative and to a point i did but to endure the rest was too much, rant over:mad:

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