Help translate TR document?
hello, I have a document in my collection that I need some help translating. I tried the best as I could but got little info on google translate. Apparently the man in the document was picked up by the fuzz (police..not the short hairs:rolleyes:) and there was no charge, or punishment. I cant read the rest,though.any help would be grand. I put all the words from the paper here..even the writing on the round stamp with national eagle:
vorbefscheinigung zur erlangung eines fuhrungszeugniffes
der hilfsschafner heinrich schonebeck geboren am 12. mai 1891 zu eichriede kreis neustadt/rbg. wohnhaft in letter 220. wird amtlich befecheinigt , dass er -e - in den poizeilich liften keine- strafen verzeichnet find:
lttter,den 21. sept.. 1938 b
riederfachfifcher formular-berlag
otto kammerer,snke t. h., hauptsr. 31
rachdruck verboten.
gemeinde letter lundfreis hannover