help with SS Dutch Legion Obersturmfuhrer tunic..Is it real?

I am new to the War Relics and just purchased a alrge lot of WWII SS & NAzi items.
Among the lot was an SS tunic with Dutch Legion and obersturmfuhrer insignia. Also has red nazi armband. I checked it with a blacklight and the 2 horizontal bars on the obersturmfuhrer insignia appeared to glow as well as 2 white pieces of cloth that go along the inside top and bottom of the armband. Nothing else on the tunic glows. It is soft black wool with RZM tag on inside of breast pocket. I will post pics if I can figure out how.
The swastika was removed from the armband but found in the inside pocket along with a leather pin with the Dutch legion symbol.

Is the tunic genuine?

Also have a square metal tag that is stamped on front ;GeheimeStaatsPolizei (gestapo)
back reads Nr 5018 Dachau Zentral Inspektion
and an oval metal disc with a hole on one end. Front reads: eagle and swastikaand ‘Amt
fur sicherungs Aufgaben m/43/H’, Back reads : SS Heimwher Danzig Kradshtz Nr
24313 ausweis. What are they and are they genuine?Attachment 325216Attachment 325215Attachment 325217Attachment 325218Attachment 325219Attachment 325220

Click to enlarge the picture







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