WWII named Purple Heart

Hi guys,
I was at a local flea market this morning, and came across a box that was labeled Purple Heart. I opened it and the medal was in there, and the back of it is engraved with the name "Oscar D. Ekberg MM1C USN". As far as I know, this would be a private engraving as I don’t believe the official engravings listed the branch.

Anyhow, I did a little research on the name, and found it listed on a WWII KIA list, same markings/name: Oscar D. Ekberg MM1C USN". Further research found out that Oscar served on the USS Houston, and his date of death was March 1, 1942. The USS Houston and Australian warship Perth were both involved in a big naval battle with a Japanese fleet off the coast of Java on the night of February 28th, 1942. The Houston was torpedoed shortly after midnight on March 1, 1942and as it was sinking, the Japs lit it up with spotlights and machine gunned the decks.

I attached a few pictures of it, what do you guys think? I talked the guy down to $65. I also purchased the Navy service medal, which is also engraved with the same name.

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