2nd Rep badge to identify - possible infantry?

Hullo Gentlemen, I’m wondering if you could possibly help a lady in, well, if not distress, then certainly in an advanced degree of puzzlement - hence my joining this informative board. I’ve been lurking for a while and learnt quite a bit already. :D

A mystery box up on the loft proved to be full of my granddad’s stuff that I didn’t even know I had. Dad never spoke much about his father, so I’m having to try and straighten it all out from scratch - and through a language barrier. Some things are more obvious than others i.e. hat & collar eagles and buttons, but I’ve this badge that’s drawing a bit of a blank.

Have posted a couple of photos of it below. The number on the back of the badge is 361 (is under the spinner).

Any ideas?

Attached Images


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