Help! Fairbairn Sykes dagger with really strange markings!!

I got a knive that my grandfather just left to me in a box of stuff. I found out its a Fairbairn-Sykes WWII fighting dagger. It has a number 3 on the pommel and the word England stamped on the handle side of the guard. It has a ringed handle and seems like its made of dark metal but where the blades sharpened looks steel colored of course. Theres a small ball at the very end after the pommel and it appears to be brass maybe. There is also a broad arrow symbol engraved on it along with a crows foot marking. It has what definitely apears to be an original sabbard in a medium to dark leather. This is all i know of it. Can somebody please help me out in identifying what percisely this is…i would really appreciate the help, im looking to sell it. If there are any interested buyers put there please feel free to contact me! Thanks

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