M 44 Combat Jacket #2

Here’s another of the most beautiful M44 jackets I’ve ever seen and/or owned;it certainly isn’t as superbly made as the previous one I’ve posted but to my eyes is definitely sexier and chockfull of equally sexy details.Just like the other one It’s a US Vet bring-back and surprisingly enough,always like the other one, it’s been made with Italian materials and German machinery in Northern Italy too.
It’s made of war-time liberated coarse Italian recycled whool,similar to the touch to the (in)famous nettle-cloth,thus called because it was made of,you got it,nettle fibers…and not because it was itchy.
The lining is made of “salt and pepper” Italian fabric and if you take the time to compare the pictures of this beauty to the pictures of the other late-war marvel I’ve posted yesterday you’ll notice quite a few shortcuts in the way it’s been made.This tunic obviously belonged to a Senior NCO at a Regimental HQ and it came with a beautiful pair of Mid-to-late war shoulder boards piped white for infantry which are 100% original to the tunic.
The front and pocket buttons are all painted in the typical shade of very dark grey while the buttons under the collar and the buttons of the inner pockets are Italian wood buttong of the type often found on RSI and late-war (before the 8th September Armistice,that is!) Regio Esercito combat uniforms.The original belt hooks are in a shade similar to the continental yellow paint seen on many mid/late war equipment.
I find particularly intriguing the thread used in the construction of this tunic,which is made of untreated and undyed natural fiber,and the bias material that can be seen at the junction of the “belt” of the tunic with the torso and which shows from underneath the turned-up collar.

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