WTB– PHOTOS with Luftwaffe Ground Assault Badge in wear (erdkampfabzeichen) ALSO……
As the title says……….Looking to buy ANY photos (doesnt need to be portraits) of the wonderful Erdkampfabzeichen (Luft Grnd Asslt Bdg) in wear.
Also interested in any StuG or Panzerman photos (not tank only photos, but if there is a tank in background/etc …thats obviously fine)
Will also buy any Luftwaffe Field Division (LWFD) photos (or any camo in wear luftwaffe pics)
I am willing to Trade or Buy. Whatever you want. I am interested in seeing anything you have, so dont be shy. If the price or trade is right, then we can work something out. Thank You for ANY help.
(I can Pay with PAYPAL and use gift option to avoid any fees to you)