Important! Muzeum Utracone/’Museum of Lost Art


Museum of Lost Art / Muzeum Utracone’ a project for opening event on ‘The Night in the Museum’ in Warsaw, done together with Association of Marketing Communication (SAR) for Ministry of Culture and Heritage, Royal Castle in Warsaw and The General Office, City of Warsaw. ‘Muzeum Utracone’ i…s a virtual exhibition showcasing craft, sculpture and art, which do not belong to Polish treasury anymore, but there is still chance of getting them back. Movie displays only a very small part of goods lost in World War II and stolen after 1945.
The main goal of the event was to make people aware about all the lost heritage. In the future will come to existence a virtual museum, where people could visit different exhibitions related to this topic.

Ars Thanea was responsible for Design, Movie Concept & Production and website Muzeum Utracone | strona g

And great animation (sorry but only polish):

YouTube - Muzeum Utracone

YouTube - Muzeum Utracone film 2011 cz

YouTube - Muzeum Utracone film 2011 cz

I know that the topic does not fit into "Polish Armed Forces - Second Republic", but I think it is so interesting that you should know about it.


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