Which type of Pulsation Dampeners should we use in oilfield.
Many companies are offering a range of Drilling and Production Pulsation Dampeners that are unique in design and construction..The bodies for both styles are of single piece construction which eliminates the possibility of weld failures in the field. The charging valve for both the Drilling Dampener and the Production Dampener are protected by heavy duty impact resistant protective covers.
Following are some features of both type of Pulsation Dampeners.
Drilling Pulsation Dampener
Following are some features of both type of Pulsation Dampeners.
Drilling Pulsation Dampener
1 Single piece construction with no girth welds.
2 Diaphragm equipped with stabilizer to eliminate possible folding and entrapment of fluids resulting in increased diaphragm life.
Production Pulsation Dampener
1 Short, compact design requires no external bracing or other support structures.
2 Standard applications include waste disposal, salt water injection, caustic products and other corrosive liquids.