My 2nd EK2

OK, a few weeks ago after much searching I bought my first EK2, a minty MM’d S & L (see below)

I’ve posted her before but she is just such a beauty I couldn’t help parading her around again :)

Attachment 157750

Now to contrast the fresh EK I wanted to add to my Stalingrad items and recently this ground dug EK2 came up for auction and I was able to pick her up for the princely sum of $51. Now bear in mind that she’s not so pretty and has seen better days :)

In fact she’s probably what you might describe as the next best thing to totally knackered and barely worth displaying at all but I want to display the two EK’s together as an ode to the folly and destruction of war.

Here she is…

Attachment 157752

Told you she was a bit rough hey? :shok_yikes:

But when she arrived in the post yesterday and I cleaned some of the dirt and bits of loose rust away what little secret should I find?

Attachment 157753

I couldn’t believe it! I felt like Indiana Jones uncovering a secret treasure! My horrid little EK2 is a J.E. Hammer & Sons ‘55′!

From Geringswalde to Stalingrad to my post box in the UK to my current address in Qatar to one day returning with me to Australia this little EK has and will see more of the world than anyone could have imagined when she was minted back in ‘41/’42…

and I think thats cool cool militaria

Click to enlarge the picture



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