WWII Tunic and Uniform Tailor Patterns

WWII Tunic and Uniform Tailor Patterns and Regulations for all kinds of uniforms and tunics from the hard to find Magazin for German 3. Reich Tailors ‘Der Schneidermeister Amtliches Organ des Reichsinnungsverbandes der Herrenschneiderhandwerkes’, this is a collection of all publishd Patterns of this magazin till 1942 there are a bit of everything for SA, NSKK, HJ, BDM, DAF, Police, Customs, Justice, Fire Police, RLB, Reichsbahn, Postal, Forestry, Stahlhelm, Kyffhäuserbund, DRK, Miner, DLV, DDAC, Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine, RAD, NSDAP, SS, Werkschutz, Bahnschutz and more to find.very useful and the best way to collect and be aware of fakes when you understand how everything has to be and need to be done, as this is also a nice way to do your own reenactment tunic or a display piece, this collection comes as e-book on dvd-rom and the price is just 25 gbp or US$42 include Shipping and Paypal Fees.

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