WW2 Gunnery range - Quick 1.5 hour trip - Nov 2010

HI all

Had an opportunity to visit one of the gunnery ranges I know of at the weekend, whilst staying at my mothers ‘place by the sea’. It was a spur of the moment trip, having been woken up at 6.30am by my lovely daughter, and with nothing planned until 10am, scooted off to the site. I had taken my MD just in case of such an opportunity presenting itself !

The range I was at I had told my older brother about a few years back and taken him there once. He was using a cheap MD from Maplins but it worked just fine and he found as much as I did. He has since visited the site on numerous occasions and, on the last two occasions found NOTHING at ALL and blamed me for ‘clearing the place out’. This would be difficult given the range is a good 4 or 5 square miles.

So I went with a certain amount of unease, worried that the site was indeed ‘cleared out’.

It soon became obvious it wasn’t and I just think my brother is either;

a) Crap at metal detecting

b) Has no patience and just wanders off randomly

c) Hasn’t put batteries in his MD

I was there for an hour and a half. Not very long at all for this site as I would normally spend 5 or 6 hours there.

As you can see, the place is FAR from empty !!

Attachment 156551

More than 50 cartridges in 1.5hrs and some other bits.

Attachment 156549

I found this funny item and decided to keep it just in case as it reminded me of something I’d seen. Maybe from an MG mount or Mortar mount ? Not sure but could be something. Threaded at one end with an eyelet at the other.

Attachment 156544

Main find was usual for this site. A bucket full of 303’s.

Attachment 156547

All dated prior to 1943. Here are some examples of the HS for you.

DAC - Dominion Arsenal Quebec.
GB - Greenwood and Batley, Leeds
WRA - Winchester Repeating Arms Co, Conneticut, USA
K2 - Kynoch (ICI), Standish, Wigan
RL - Royal Laboratory, Woolwich Arsenal

VII is the mark of cartridge. Numbers are the date. Interesting to have a 1932 cartridge. It had been in storage for quite some time !

Also of note is the nomenclature of the date, being both two and four digit. There is a theory that they denoted separate supplies to the RAF and Army but this site keeps disproving this theory as I find both 2 and 4 digit codes in the same hole, let alone at the same range !

Attachment 156548

A couple of .45 and 9mm carts.

Attachment 156545

And lastly some bits of the internal column from a No. 36 grenade, along with a nice base nut.

Attachment 156546

Close up of the base nut. 1941 dated.

Attachment 156550

And that was it.

So much for the place being ‘cleared’. I am at a loss to explain my brother’s lack of finds on his previous two visits, but have taken the opportunity to send him a link to this page so I can gloat on the phone later. :D :D :D :D


Steve T

Attached Images

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