Totenkopf Ring - early fake, modern fake.. or the real deal?
Firstly i am new to the forum so apologies if i have posted in the wrong sectionnotcool
I have always wanted a totenkopf ring, wether it was real or fake i still wanted one, however a genuine one was preffered because of the history, past & alike behind the ring.
Recently i have managed to get my hands on one, however i am completely unsure on its origin, in my opinion it looks like an early fake. I know from reading other forums etc that even the un-official personell rings (reals ofcourse) in any condition go for mad money, i did not pay an other lot for mine so this leads to suspect she is a fake or good copy.
What makes me think it is an early fake is the condition of the ring, it is worn! scratched, and as if it has been dug up (dont get me wrong a few hours outside and in the shed and any ring can get this look) but it is not like any other repro i have seen on the net, the skull is very close to the genuine one used on tags etc and looks the part more than some repros, thats why i am thinking it is an earlier repro of better quality.
However i think i am better of leaving the guys with the real know to decide for me, please dont slag it off if you saw this for sale, i didnt pay over much and i am happy with it. And with fairness it is ten times nicer than the latvian repros on ebay at this current time.
So any ideas guys on any kind of origin or info?