Web Videos: P-38s,WW2 X-Planes,B-29s,Kamikazes,B-26 Marauders, Patton’s Tanks

Zeno’s Warbird Video Drive-In Big November 2010 Newsletter

Hello World War 2 & jet aircraft fans —

Veteran’s Day is this Thursday, November 11th, in the USA and Remembrance Day in the U.K. and the Commonwealth countries. I know our fans will take time this week to honor our veteran’s service.

You are invited to drop by Zeno’s Warbird Video Drive-In Zeno’s Warbird Video Drive-In - World War 2 airplane videos playing for free live online This month, we’re showing a feature length premier, "The 10th Armored Division in World War 2," and five WW2 aviation classics. As always, all of the videos showing on our web site are for your free viewing pleasure.

Now showing At the Matinee at Zeno’s Drive-In

“Profile of a World War 2 Test Pilot” This film was developed at the Army Air Corp’s top secret Wright Field flight test facility during World War 2 to give pilots the lowdown on what to expect if they joined the aircraft testing program. There’s a trove of vintage info about flight testing and you’ll get a look at some of the rarest and most bizarre aircraft produced during World War II, including one-off prototypes: a Bell P-63 King Cobra doing aerobatics spin & stall tests, a Bell P-59 Airacomet jet fighter, a Plat-LePage XR-1A twin rotor helicopter, a tiny Bell XP-77 fighter, a Curtiss XP-60C with contra-rotating props, a weird hybrid B24/B-17, a beautiful 20-mm canon equipped test P-51A from the first Mustang production run, captured enemy aircraft and more.

“The 10th Armored Division in World War 2” NEW Premier U.S. Army Documentary. The 10th Armored Division served with distinction with George Patton’s 3rd Army from the Fall of 1944 through the final defeat of Germany. Combines excellent film footage and comprehensive maps with in depth interviews with key personnel from Commanding General William H.H. Morris down the chain of command to front line NCOs. The 10th entered the fierce fighting in France near the fortress of Metz in November 1944. In December they hurried North to counter the German thrust in the Battle of the Bulge, covering Third Army’s right flank. The 10th’s Combat Command B was one of the units surrounded with the 101st Airborne in defense of the critical road junction of Bastogne. After Bastogne 10th Armored played a key roll in pushing German forces back and then driving across the Siegfried line and into the heavily fortified city of Trier. The 10th fought it’s way across Germany in a series of tough engagements against die hard opposition, thrusting its way to Innsbruck, Austria by VE Day.

“Back Door Gang P-38s - 430th FS Color Scrapbook” (Color) Drive-In Exclusive Original Production. Newly discovered color film of the 430th FS, 474th FG, 9th Air Force. From the get go, the 474th was configured as a ground attack unit, but they also provided bomber escort and level bombing, led by Norden equipped "Droop Snoops." One of three P-38 squadrons in the 474th, the 430th’s call sign was "Back Door," and its planes and pilots are featured in the film in the Spring of 1945 at their base in Florennes, Belgium, a former Luftwaffe Night Fighter base. You’ll see intense (and rare) color gun camera film showing P-38 strafing attacks inside Germany, as well as color footage of B-26s and a P-61 Black Widow. Perhaps most memorable are the all too brief, silent portraits of the men who flew those dangerous missions. It’s amazing how color film brings 60+ year old images to life.

“White Tailed Marauders -The 323rd Bomb Group and their B-26s” - Exclusive Original Production - Rare color film of B-26 Marauders in action in the Spring of 1945. See the 453rd, 454th, 455th, and 455th Bomb Squadrons operating against Germany from their base in Laon, France. All color footage really brings this bygone era startlingly back to life. Where possible, individual aircraft and their crews are identified. Special treats include escorting P-38s and a round trip mission. A must for Marauder fans everywhere.

“The Fleet That Came to Stay: Kamikazes Attack Off Okinawa.” In March, 1945, the US Army, Navy and Marines, with the support of the British Pacific Fleet, launched "Operation Iceberg" against the Japanese Island of Okinawa, a key stepping stone for the invasion of the home islands. In response, the Japanese launched a series of terrifying kamikaze suicide aircraft attacks from land bases only 350 miles away against the screening Allied naval forces. The Japanese flew 1,900 sorties, sinking dozens of Allied ships and killing more than 5,000 U.S. sailors at the cost of 1,465 kamikaze planes. 2,200 other Japanese and 763 U.S. aircraft were also destroyed during the battle. Although no major warships were lost, several fleet carriers were severely damaged and knocked out of action. "The Fleet that came to stay" tells the high tension story of the defense of the landing beaches with some of the most exciting and dramatic air combat footage to come out of World War II.

“The Last Bomb” (Color) vividly documents an almost forgotten chapter of World War II: the long range B-29 "Superfortress" bombing raids on Japan. Launched from hard won Pacific islands, these missions were over 3,000 miles round trip and could take 12 hours or more to complete. You’ll see the huge B-29 bases that were carved out on Guam, Tinian and Saipan. Rare late war Technicolor film, shot by combat camera men, documents all aspects of a XXI Bomber Command daylight strike carried out at just 12,000′ (!) on Tokyo in 1945. The mission is covered from planning by General Curtis LeMay and his staff, through fighter action and "bombs away," to final touch down. You’ll also see spectacular color gun camera footage taken by escorting P-51 Mustangs, based on Iwo Jima. They ranged over southern Japan, seeking targets of opportunity in the air and on the deck. These P-51 sorties were among the longest and riskiest missions undertaken by any fighters during World War II. Just imagine — flying thousands of miles over trackless ocean in a single engine ship to take on the enemy over their territory! Academy Award nominee in 1945.

If you haven’t stopped by Zeno’s Drive-In before, we also feature 1940-45 vintage WWII Army & Navy films and pilot’s manuals on how to fly the F4U, F6F, P-38, P-39, P-40, P-47, P-51, P-61, TBF/TBM, AT-6/SNJ, B-17, B-24, B-25, A-20, A-26, B-26, B-29, and Stearman N2S. Alert! - don’t miss the F-86 & B-58!

Keep Em Flying!

Zeno’s Warbird Video Drive-In
Zeno’s Warbird Video Drive-In - World War 2 airplane videos playing for free live online
World War II Aviation Videos Playing Online 24/7

Web Videos: P-38s,WW2 X-Planes,B-29s,Kamikazes,B-26 Marauders, Patton’s Tanks

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