Need help! WW2 German Mediterranean Camo Helmet
While browsing around Ebay recently, I found this example: ORIGINAL WWII GERMAN HELMET, M42, SIZE 66 - eBay (item 250723590246 end time Nov-14-10 16:07:22 PST).
Now before the bullets start flying in my direction, let me clarify that I well know that Ebay is a minefield for collectors. This helmet has me stumped, though. It has what appears to be the correct textured paint and inner liner stamp. However, it looks a little too good to be true. Is it real or fake?
I also found another mysterious camo for comparison on a UK site: S and B Collectables | Quality Militaria | Antiques | Vintage Motorcycles | Memorabilia.
Which one is real? And which one, if any, are fake?