Category name ?

I believe that we want this category to include the Милиция/Militsiya/Police, and not the Ополчение/Opolchenie/Militia.

The other organizations listed (GPU - OGPU - NKVD - NKGB - MGB - MVD) are transliterations of the initials in Russian. So, the transliteration for the last one in the list - "Militsiya" - might be better. What do you think?

"CHEKA" ("Cheka"?) has some similar problems, but is unambiguous and in common usage to refer to only the security service. It is also the sound of the initials "Ч К". Anyway, no one will think we mean "lynchpins", "cotterpins" or "(bank) checks".

Not important, probably.

- Frayer

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