I show my four erkennungsmarke. You can say if they are totally original
Yo stoy almost certainly are original. Although I always have doubts.
1st: RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) RAD-ABT K 5 / 77 (L76)
K = Kriegsbesetzung occupation during the war, were used in the special deployment to the Eastern front. They were used in the building, but they had to act as combatants.
5 / 77 = Arbeitsgau VII, Schleswig-Holstein, Arbeitsgruppen 77, Abteilung 5
L/76=Luftwaffen-Flak-Abteilung 76
Imprinting unusual.
2nd: 3 (E) / A.R. 2
Artillery Regiment 2, Battery 3 replacement (Ersatz)
Do you know anything about the history of this Regiment Artillery 2? I can not find anything about where they fought, the year….
3rd: St K. Gren. Ers. Btl II / 132
StammKompanie Grenadier Ersatz II/132
He fought in the central and northern Russia, stayed close at the end of the war in Kurland. In January-1943 was destroyed at Stalingrad.
On the back is stamped blood group …
Really it means StammKompanie? I Don`t quite understand the meaning.
4th: Kriegsmarine 7176/45K
45 = Year 1945 readiness
K = Küstendienst land.Servicio coastal land or coastal surveillance. Cabotage services, land, naval artillery units, logistics, transportation ….
A greeting