:shok_yikes:anyone thinking of xmas yet? or how were gonna pay for it? whats your opinion, will it be a budget this year due to the credit crunch??? would like some thoughts. :)
this is from for a guys birthday, it has sigitures from a dozen or so guys, the hand drwn pic , i think is a portrayal of the P.O.W camp they were in, then he put it in this album/folder, im just sumising though. the himmler auto is a fasimile. nice peice i feel, very personal.
Enjoy these 98k muzzel covers/ sight protectors..letter coded and Waffenamt marked.. Two letter code (ah)= Carl Merz Machinenfabrik, Setten... J. P. Sauer and Sohn,Suhl.. Eagle 37 marked, Unknown Logo WaA 101.. Mauser Werk, Oberndorf Eagle 63... Show Yours...BILL