Kameradschaftsblatter: Ordensburg Vogelsang

Guys, this magazine is part of a group,( 816 engineer aviation battalion veteran), that I purchased at a yard sale last weekend. Thanks for taking a look. Hal

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Unknown medals id please

Hi can anyone id these for me please thanks in advance

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Nur Fur Deutche Sign

I have a wood sign that reads "Nur Fur Deutche". I’m 99% sure that it’s original; however, I’ve seen a very similar one being offered for sale on a website and they make a statement about the method used to create the sign, that I’m unfamiliar with. I was hoping someone could shed some light on it for me. As you will notice in my pictures, there is NO blue residue in the letters. The website claims they’re sign IS original and as proof makes this statement
"Very important detail: the text is made by chemical pencil which was produced only before and during WW2 period. Difference between chemical and regular pencil is what the chemical pencil after contact with water changed his colour to blue (see text on the sign) – regular pencil does not change the colour." I’ve included ONE picture of the one from the website for comparison.

I would appreciate any information you might have.

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Need help! Heer belt buckle Is it original?

Hi guys, what are your opinions about this belt buckle and who is producer. Best regars, Franko

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Question SS 155/40 Original or not!

Hi guys, what are your thoughts about this belt buckle.
Best regards, Franko

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N27 Fallschirmjäger paratrooper Knochensack splinter Stahlhelm M38 Stendal TOP

EUR 2,29 (0 Bids)
End Date: 01. Dez. 20:52
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Original WH 2 Weltkrieg WH Uniform+Hose POW Dachbodenfund?

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 28. Nov. 20:20
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Halb nackt Budenzauber,Stahlhelm,Spaß mit Gewehr + Bajonett,Nachthemd,Stahlhelm

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 01. Dez. 19:43
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Schulterklappen - Kragenspiegel Feuerwehr - Löschpolizei Mützenkordel 12 Teile

EUR 5,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 26. Nov. 18:44
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UK deact hysteria - here we go again…….

In today’s London Evening Standard ; -


You have to read down a bit to see the word ‘deactivated’.

Anyone know of any gun crime carried out in London with a Bren ?

( I suppose you could hit someone over the head with it….. )

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