Schulterklappen Schulterstücke Arzt Oberarzt WK Stabsarzt Offizier gold Uniform

EUR 58,85 (0 Bids)
End Date: 31. Dez. 17:19
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New helmet…. need opinions

HI guys, I found this helmet and it appears original to me. Obviously the band and the liner are missing, but do you guys think I would be able to find a replacement? I can get the helmet for $150, so I was thinking of making it a little project and getting it back together. Thoughts? I appreciate everyones time and have a great holiday season.

Cant seem to get the properly oriented, but if you click on them, the turn in the correct orientation.

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SS Skull

I would like to know what this skull is and, above all, if it is original. Dimensions mm. 32 x 30.
Thank you.


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Luftwaffe einzelner Kragenspiegel Felddivision

EUR 71,50
End Date: 20. Jan. 14:15
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The medals of Sgt Pierre Chastagnol

A recent addition to my French medal collection is a framed set of Croixe de Guerre and Medaille Militaire with certificate, awarded to Sgt Pierre Chastagnol.


On 4th May 1915 he received his first citation for his actions on 24th April while serving with 100 RI at Bois d’Ailly: ‘Showed courage and bravery in the trenches, where despite an intense bombardment he continued to fire.’

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In March 1916 he joined 165 RI and fought at Verdun, during this period the regiment saw action at Haumont wood, Caures wood, and Anglemont farm where they suffered very heavy losses. In April the regiment moved to Flanders, and in June, Chastagnol was injured by a rocket, receiving substantial burns to his face and hand which resulted in him being evacuated from the trenches.

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After recovering, he was attached to 84 RI on 10th September 1916 and departed for Salonika. While serving there, he was commended for his brave actions on 30th August 1917 when he volunteered for some of the most dangerous missions during the fighting on that day. By July 1918 he was back in France, and after joining 8 RI he saw action at Wadon puis Aisne from August onwards, and then on to Ponto St Medart where he served until the armistice.

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Bretches Hose Luftwaffe für einen Offizier sehr selten auch aus Privathaushalt

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 26. Dez. 11:30
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Heer, Paar Kragenspiegel für Mannschaften der Artillerie

EUR 44,00
End Date: 20. Jan. 10:04
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 44,00
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Kragenspiegel probe 1942 der Russischen Befreiungsarmee POA ROA 2.WELTKRIEG selt

EUR 245,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 21. Dez. 17:03
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Stahlhelm, Helm , Helme

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 27. Dez. 17:27
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