Need help identifing a german war medal

Looks like a plus side one side has a crown. Under the crown says the letters FW then under that 3 leaves under it and 1813 under the leaves. On the other side a crown a giant W in the middle and 1914 under the W.

Is this the same person? (Konteradmiral)

Hello, is this the same person on both photos?
Left is Konteradmiral Hans-Hermann Graf von Schweinitz und Krain Freiherr von Kauder.
I want to know if it is also him on the right photo?
Many thanks.

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2wk Korea Vietnam us stahlhelm m1 steel helmet ww2 corea original*

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 01. Jan. 20:15
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gestreifte Hose, Stretch Gr. 50

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 29. Dez. 20:34
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EUR 9,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 01. Jan. 18:50
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Original Kragenspiegel Jäger der LW Felddivision Hermann Göring RBNr. 0/0457/001

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 01. Jan. 18:16
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Rifles, swrods, and bayonets

Hello sirs,

First off, I apologize if these items are not in the correct category as I’m not sure exactly what they are. (And, mod, please fix my misspelled “sword” in title if you would please) I know the rifles could go elsewhere but thought I would show the group of items together.

Let me take you back 35 years, early 1980’s. I was a young teenager and I did yard work and various non skilled labor jobs around the home of a gentleman who served in WW2. Mr. M. was with the Signal Corp and told me stories of setting up communications behind advancing troops. As forces fought and moved forward, the communication guys would follow behind them and set up communication. Mr. M. described to me what the scenes looked like in many cases and he said that “stuff” was everywhere. I’m going to paraphrase a bit because these conversations took place 35 years ago but basically he said that the fighting guys were on foot and didn’t want to carry any more than they had to, additionally they didn’t always have time to stop and pick items up, “but we had trucks and time so we could pick up and carry anything we wanted”

I remember that he had a number of German rifles and bayonets hanging on a wall in his basement and he told me stories of boxes full of German flags, officers hats, and medals, that we were supposed to dig out of his attic one day but sadly that attic hunt never transpired.

Mr. M. passed away in the 90’s and his wife bestowed upon me several pictures of Mr. M., as well as several patches and German medals. I was happy to have them and they are sentimental to me.

Now fast forward to yesterday, I received the below items from the son of Mr. M. Pretty nice for me to have the same items that I admired on the wall so many years ago.

I hope that there is something of interest here for you sirs and I don’t know anything about the bayonets yet so any info would be most appreciated.

Sorry that the pictures are not spectacular but if a picture of something not shown would be helpful in anyway please let me know.


G33/40 and .22 cal training rifle


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Feldbluse wehrmacht, Uniform

EUR 200,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 29. Dez. 16:41
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Originale kurze SA Hose aus Familienbesitz Gr. 52 / 54

EUR 199,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 27. Dez. 15:17
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New Addition : M18 Helmet to Complete a Display.


Been looking for a while to pick up an M18 helmet that is just "right". Finally found one and have now completed my display cabinets to show the M16, NM17 and M18 versions of the WW1 issue helmet.

The M18 has paintwork still 90% intact, maker marked bf64 with liner and half the chinstrap still hanging in there. It also has previous owners name on the rear skirt.

A little xmas present for myself, self indulgent I know but as I said to the wife if a bloke can’t spend £78 on himself at xmas then when can he………..

Here come the pictures of my finished display. Hope you like them.

Happy xmas



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