Stahlhelm M35 Deutsche Wehrmacht / Stempel im Futter & Riemen !!

EUR 149,00
End Date: 24. Feb. 16:02
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 149,00
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IQ Aspect Effects: Months have passed and thousands of patients have tried this program, no one revealed any complication of Enhance Mind IQ . It might be due to its 100 % natural components. Enhance Mind IQ Company statements it is created in FDA accepted service. They have also got multiple accreditations from different medical labs about its security. Is Enhance Mind IQ a Scam? Scam items are those which are meant to just generate income by incorrect methods. The items are useless and such items only utter statements nothing .

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Stahlhelm und zwei Gepäcktaschen WK2 WW2 US-Streitkräfte M1

EUR 40,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 28. Feb. 14:02
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Need help! WW2 photographs unknown regiment? commando?

could anyone help with these recent house clearance find?
They seem to be WW2 era and feature the same guy, but i cannot work out what the cap badge is.
also, in the group shot, they all appear to be wearing the rubber sole "commando" type boots??

the back of the group shot is stamped:
"Photo Anouchian - autorised services photographic - dealer No 20" and "approved by HQ ninth Army"

any pointers appreciated.


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Kragenspiegel Offizier Sonderführer für Feldbluse Original Deutsch 2WK

EUR 70,00
End Date: 21. Feb. 16:28
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 70,00
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WW2 German Medal Bar 3piece ( Ek2 Oct 28, Al Valore ) Named

What are your thoughts on this medal bar?

The AL Valore medal is named ( Horst Schenk)
The October 38 medal is marked L/11 on the bottom of the medal.
Could this person been in the Spanish civil war?
Thank you very much

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Need help!

I may be having a wrong-headed with respect to FTV 24K Golden Hero. There are rather a variety of FTV 24K Golden Hero to be found online. I’ve been looking at FTV 24K Golden Hero distribution so statistically, they partially agree. That is legit. Without doubt, "No man is an island." You are facing FTV 24K Golden Hero this can come from many angles. A few masters were excited in respect to FTV 24K Golden Hero. The reason why I use a FTV 24K Golden Hero that sets up a good impression for a FTV 24K Golden Hero. To begin with, get yourself a FTV 24K Golden Hero. Some adepts may feel comfortable with FTV 24K Golden Hero. FTV 24K Golden Hero is the creme de la creme. These unmistakable little steps are all you may need to do. I’m looking for a training session. It’s a closed case. I don’t know why I wouldn’t elude that anyhoo. I am trying to do my very best to answer that for you. I certainly never promoted FTV 24K Golden Hero, though I feel I would have if I’d known how. This is an interesting proposition.

FTV 24K Golden Hero

Price 1939 Bremen

We have a discussion on a facebook group about this plaque.
The owner claims that it is a boxing price.
awarded to a Swedish who beat a German.
but I can not find anything about any known match at that time?
It’s a dream sport award?
Thank you for all the answers.

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Need help! Need help with cap autentification

This is my first post. Iam new to this forum and I am a collector from Finland. I have been asked if I want to buy a M/43 cap but I need some help if its good to go. Thanks in advance!!

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