10 Bags of Sand

That’s Cockney rhyming slang for 10,000 as in posts, well folks thanks for having me here and i’ve enjoyed every minute. I hope i’ve not p*ssed off anybody too much and here’s to the next ten grand!….

100% original hj dj nskk xx elite schwarze stiefelhose breeches dachbodenfund

EUR 125,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 22. Okt. 21:57
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Dj - pc kh28

A new addition to the DJ group. A worn, like many DJ buckles, but nicely double-marked Paulmann & Crone cool militaria

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XX Polizei Hose Feldgendarmerie 1943 Topzustand

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 19. Okt. 20:01
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Repro Schulterklappen Wehrmacht WH DAK Afrika Infantrie

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 22. Okt. 18:45
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another unknown eagle.

Sorry to post two of these in one day! my brain is fighting against me today.

any ideas on this one?

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need/buy relic German helmets


I am hoping someone can help me with the following. I see that a lot of people on this forum are diggers.

I am looking if someone can sell/supply to me German relic helmets on a structural basis. I need helmets which are not completely rusty, but do still have some of their original paint. Battle damage is no problem. Moreover, helmets with some snow camo are great. Furthermore, I need German helmets which are found on the Russian front (for example Kurland, Stalingrad, Novograd, Narva). Or for example helmets found on the French, Italian or Dutch front.

So please contact me.

Webley holster alterations

After a little help with this one guys, it appears to be a webley holster, looks like ww1 issue to me, but it has been altered.
It seems like it has had its belt loop removed and attachments added to hang it from the sam browne instead.
Has anyone seen this done before?
I know alot of these would have been used in civvie life post wars, but the fact that it is altered but still for use with a sam browne has me confused.

as always i welcome any comments!


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sevastopol medal real or fake ?

hi collectors !
hope someone can help me to find out if its real or fake.

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wss zeltbahn


can you confirm that is a typ B ?

and tell me more about zeltbahn (or a link with more informations : all typs, variants…)

thank you !


if you need more pics…let me know

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