wanted want ww2 german magazines

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by: bobperkins007

Description: want ww2 sinal magazines don’t care about language just decent shape. also like bound issues of signal if anyone has them. like adler and other german magazines too. can anyone help me out please. thanks. bob

War Relics Militaria sales

Luftwaffe M40 Stahlhelm Tarnung + Abzeichen

EUR 179,00 (25 Bids)
End Date: 04. Dez. 20:12
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Schwarzer Stahlhelm M18 deutsch

EUR 300,00 (18 Bids)
End Date: 04. Dez. 20:13
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F7921) Stahlhelm Wehrmacht WK 2

EUR 20,50 (11 Bids)
End Date: 04. Dez. 21:22
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How does one incresase Reputation?

How does one incresase Reputation? Get more of them funky green squares on the WRF ID-tag?

Planned trip to the ww2 museum

Made my reservations for a trip to the ww2 museum in New Orleans. I will be there on the 16th of this month. I also shelled out a pretty penny for a behind the scenes, semi private tour with a curator. I need to go through my items for any unanswered questions I may have.. Couldn’t hurt to ask..

Need help! Large RAD Insignia Fragment

Hallo Freunde

I have got this later large pice of a RAD- emblem.
Of course its very damaged, but it is still a nice collectable for my taste.
it has no pins on the back, neither does it have rivets or holes for screws or nails.
Any idea what it is - or could have been?
Greetings from Mexico



Click to enlarge the picture





Need help! Hungarian Medal for Bavarian Grouping

Hello, This is part of a larger grouping to one person and I would like so opinions on it


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Konvolut Stahlhelm-Nieten Ersatzteile DachBodenFund DS99

EUR 40,50 (8 Bids)
End Date: 04. Dez. 19:16
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Different kind of documents


Member Wagriff asked me in my thread http://www.warrelics.eu/forum/ss-uni…titles-661969/ if I have more items from my father which I have so I thought I post them in the threads where the belong.

Father’s SA Ausweis (SA ID):

Grandfather’s NSDAP Membership book:

Father’s SS Draft Paper:

Merkblatt für den Eintritt als Freiwilliger in die SS Verfügungstruppe:

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