B17 Flying Fortress Bomber/Pilot Mannschaft Lammfellhose

EUR 20,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 05. Mrz. 13:30
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1 Paar Schulterklappen Kragenklappen WW 2 ? Leutnant ? Offizier ? Feldwebel ?

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 05. Mrz. 12:19
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Need help! German Olympic cup / goblet 1936

Can you, please, advice how this object was used, is it a rere object and if you could estimate its value?
Thank you

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Stahlhelm Helm Luftschutz Wehrmacht Hersteller Deutsch 2WK ? nr 5

EUR 9,50 (5 Bids)
End Date: 26. Feb. 11:45
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Stahlhelm Helm Luftschutz Wehrmacht Hersteller Deutsch 2WK ? nr 4

EUR 6,05 (4 Bids)
End Date: 26. Feb. 11:27
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NCO’s Administrative Pay Form

A June, 1944-dated administrative form recording an Unteroffizier’s pay and deductions.

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Stahlhelm Helm Luftschutz Wehrmacht Hersteller Deutsch 2WK ?

EUR 13,50 (8 Bids)
End Date: 26. Feb. 11:24
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Found 1053/38 SS Dagger

Looking for help. I am currently working in Ukraine and stumbled upon what I believe to be an authentic SS Dagger. So I found this forum and asking for help to one, post pictures of it and 2, find out if it is or isn’t authentic. I’m not looking to sell it, but rather appreciate it for what it is as my GGF was a POW and the Dagger would mean a lot to me. Could someone lead me to which thread I should post on and how to upload pictures.
Thanks guys.

Waffen SS Foreign Latvia Volunteers Camo Helmet?

Greetings fellow forum members,

I found this helmet on the web for sale today, it looks cool and I’ve never seen anything like this before… A Waffen SS Foreign Latvia Volunteers Camo helmet. I am always weary of decalled helmets, especially SS, and this I have to proceed with caution before I even consider getting this one. My goal is to one day have some sort of Foreign Volunteer Helmet or something to my collection. I understand they are quite rare, and not being an expert, and I don’t know if this is the real deal or not. I would really appreciate any and all help from the seemingly endless knowledge of you, my fellow forum members. These are the only pictures provided, if pictures of the interior of the shell are needed to determine if this is authentic or not then I will ask the seller for more pictures. Thank you in advance.



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Panzer Assault Badge Grouoing


Here is another grouping I picked up at this SOS. I have been looking for a panzer grouping for a while, and when I saw this, I knew I had to have it. I am curious to know the fate of the individual who received this badge. His name is Rudi Pieritz. Is there somewhere I can go to find out what happened to him?


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