Japanese Document

Hello All,I just acquired a U.S.M.C. grouping that contained among other things several Japanese documents.I was hoping to get some help as to what general information is contained in this document. Any help Greatly appreciated.Regards,Geoff

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Polishboys polish badges and medals collection

Badges and Medals are numbered for easy Identification. Please use Numbers when making inquiries.
Sorry for the poor definition, I do not have adequate lighting in my apartment.

I will attempt to post photos of Obverse and Reverse of all items, which I plan to offer for sale. Inquiries
should be directed to Robert at rmarc99@comcast.net

Medals shown are Originals, Reproductions by known makers, Reproductions by unknown makers and Reproductions by Panasuik. All items will be priced accordingly.
As a collector like yourself, I am not an Authority on Polish Items. As a buyer you owe it to yourself to educate yourself to evaluate items on their merits. I am not able to provide Warranties, Guarantees or Certificates of Authenticity for any items. What you see is what you get. Unless otherwise noted I believe that items
are genuine. I do not offer refunds or permit returns so please know what you are buying.


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Need some possible advice

I found an estate sale that is taking place in the morning. The advertised pics included this one (sorry about quality, but its all I got to go off of:


I mostly collect Russian stuff (as it is usually cheaper). So any info on what these things may be would be real helpful. Also, if you could give me a price as to what they should be going for in case I decide to buy a couple of these pieces? Any info would be appreciated guys!



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Lager 4 - Stalag

Is it original and how much is it worth?

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Flatwire eagles and skull

I`m new to this forum and I hope I won´t blunder too much.I also hope my English will be sufficient.As a beginning I have a nice trio of a skull and eagles.1076292107629110762931076294107629510762961076297

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Greetings! Winchester m95 bayonet?…

oh look at that i got bread knife now… actually i think it is Winchester m/95 bayonet hmm… what kind of prices these go? :)

Russians left behind in Finland 1917 several thousands of m/95 Winchester rifles.
In Army inventory 1919 they were 3600 pcs but as it was a kind of luxury weapon at least hundreds of them were kept privately after the civil war.
They did not see much service in Finland until 1939 when all possible firearms were taken from stocks for use.

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My Collection: Three Years on a Budget


Since joining this forum, I’ve spent many an hour pondering which pieces in my collection I should share here next. No individual piece seemed interesting enough to warrant its own thread, and so I came to the conclusion to share it all here in its entirety. As it’s coming up on the third year anniversary of the purchase of my first piece, I thought now would be as good a time as any!
Without further ado, everything I’ve collected over the last three years, on a very modest budget. Apologies for the photo quality, as usual. Everything is displayed in a small room that I also happen to sleep in, and the odd angles and glare from the ceiling light can’t be helped, unfortunately. Whenever I come to the point of having my own place to call home, it’ll have its own room to live in!

Kind regards, B.B.

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Question UV Light for blacklight test

Is there any specific type of UV Light I should buy to be able to test German cloth items? I found this light on eBay for under $5 but i’m not sure if its the type I need to be able to test cloth items, any info is much appreciated!


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Need help! Wolfgang Willrich: SS Posters

Hello everyone,
I recently purchased these four Willrich posters at a ‘flea market’; immediately recognizing the artist before seeing the inscriptions. I have always admired his work since owning the book ‘Willrich: War Artist’ by Klause Peters. However, trying to find information on the internet about the posters is next to impossible. There is plenty of information on the post cards by Willrich, but not much on the posters. What I have found out is: these have been reproduced and sold as the complete set of twelve SS posters at a few sites for various costs when found. I noticed in all the reproductions the paper being much ‘whiter’(brighter) than the heavy card stock in my collection. I also learned that the ’stated’ manufacturer-Forster & Borries, have been in business since the 1890’s. Here is the measurements of each of the four posters in my collection(poster-29.8cm wide by 41.9cm tall; picture-20.0cm wide by 31.7cm tall) as well as some photographs. Any insight, especially on how to tell an original from the reproductions would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance…Alex

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Ein Paar Schulterklappen Schulterstücke Wehrmacht (54)

EUR 19,99 (0 Bids)
End Date: 28. Mai. 19:49
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