Need help! Panzerkampfabzeichen fake or real

first thing sorry about the pictures just had them sent to me so had to do screen shots could someone tell me if this is real or repo please as it ticks some boxes and fails on others for me

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2wk braune stiefelhose deutsch an einer seite stark ausgeblichen ungereinigt 2ww

EUR 9,99 (0 Bids)
End Date: 19. Jun. 19:18
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Stahlhelm M35 Deutsche Wehrmacht Afrikacorps / Stempel im Futter !!!

EUR 122,00
End Date: 15. Jun. 17:35
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 122,00
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Wehrmacht Heer Schulterklappen für einen Unteroffizier Infanterie

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 19. Jun. 17:25
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5376: Paar Kragenspiegel für feldgraue Sturmgeschützjacke, Sturmartillerie Stug

EUR 500,00
End Date: 07. Jul. 15:43
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 500,00
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10 Stück Nieten zu innenfutter Stahlhelm helmet Innenteil an Renovierung

EUR 4,00
End Date: 17. Jun. 08:37
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 4,00
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Need help! 1939 Eisernen Kreuzes 2nd Class

Hello everyone,

I would like to show you this iron cross I purchased some time ago. I really like it but I wanted to have confirmation on its authenticity, if any of you guys can provide it.

I hope the pictures are good enough, if not I can try to take better ones.

1083489 1083490

Any reply would be much appreciated.

Kind regards,


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Queens westminster & civil service rilfes

Nice little recent pick up, I love these little bits of ephemera:)


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Leinen-Uniform-Hose, II.Weltkrieg, 4./J.R.1I, Schneiderei Johann Winkler,München

EUR 80,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 19. Jun. 11:57
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6 Stück Nieten zu innenfutter Stahlhelm

EUR 10,00
End Date: 17. Jun. 08:36
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 10,00
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