Flieger Flugabwehr Kanone Flak Stahlhelm 8,8 cm Stellung Flugzeug Geschütz

EUR 14,99 (0 Bids)
End Date: 28. Jun. 21:31
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Nambu Type 14

Picked this up yesterday. From my research (please correct me if I’m wrong), it’s dated 1-1939. Kokubunji, original series made at the Nagoya Arsenal. I paid $500, non matching mag. Saw a couple others at the show ranging in the $700’s same condition. 1087258108725910872601087261

I was really wanting to get my hands on an earlier one with the small trigger guard. Now I want more.

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Ever saw this?

About the same length as a fairbain but handle is fatter and blade wider.

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Need some info on Pre TR sword

Hi everyone

This has always been a subject that i never did my homework on.

Can someone provide info on type of sword this is, who would have used it and if everything look correct.

Thank you


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for sale Naval Officer Soldbuch - High Seas Fleet & Destroyer Badge Entries


by: hucks216

Description: Soldbuch issued in June 1941 to an eventual Oberleutnant z.See (the Kriegsmarine started issuing Soldbücher in June 1941).
He served on a heavy unit at one point as he was awarded the Flottenkriegsabzeichen in April 1942, however he must of served on it prior to June 1941 as the big ship is not known (this is quite a common occurance). He also served on 3 Destroyers, Z-4 ‘Richard Beitzen’, Z-15 ‘Erich Steinbrink’ and Z-33 and was awarded the Zerstörerkriegsabzeichen. He was also awarded the KvK II Kl mit Schwertern and the EK II.
During his time on Z-15 he would of taken part in Operation Sizilien which was the only time that Tirpitz ever fired her guns in anger. Op Sizilien consisted of Tirpitz, Scharnhorst and 9 Destroyers (including Z-15) and their mission was to raid the Allied base at Spitzbergen which they did.
He survived the war as there is an entry for an allied prisoner unit dated 23rd May 1945.
The downside is that unfortunately his photo has been removed and the swastika on the cover was removed and then at a later time inked back in again. Other than that the Soldbuch is in a good condition with all pages present and plenty of entries.

Asking price includes all fees/tracked & insured shipping. Payment via Paypal or Bank Transfer.

War Relics Militaria sales

A little help with I’d please

Just bought a large military knife collection, really for the US stuff. There are a little over a dozen fairbairn. Some have markings and I can pretty much figure out what they are. Could you guys take a look at the others? I’d like to know if they are "real" or current copies. Also an idea of what era they were used. Thanks in advance. First picture are the ones I identified with a lot of help from reading this forum. Next 2 pics, knives are unmarked.1087222

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Feldbluse Offizier umgeschneidert Forst WK2

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 02. Jul. 22:45
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Question Ewiges Deutschland books

Goodevening all,

I have a question regarding the Ewiges Deutschland books. I currently have the 1939 edition and know that there are four more editions (1940 till 1943). I also know they were sold during the WHW campaign.
But here is my question, are all editions the same and did they just sell them every year during the WHW campaign? Or is every edition a whole new book?

I’ve been trying to find the answer myself, but my German isn’t good enough yet. The reason I ask this question is because I might want to collect all five books.

Your help is much appreciated.

Regards, Rik

Wehrmacht Heer Offiziers Breeches Reiterhose mit Lederbesatz

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 02. Jul. 21:15
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US M42 Paratrooper jump jacket original??

Hi! Guys!
Couple of days ago i*ve found this jacket on the market/ The owner couldn*t say nothing about it/
Is it repro or original jacket?

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