Archive for History forum

Stahlhelm m-35 feldgrau Innenfutter und Kinnriemen aus Leder

EUR 30,00
End Date: 15. Aug. 10:51
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Question M43 officers Cap - i doubt its original but im curious about the accuracy of it.

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2WK Stahlhelm Mod.40/NS66. Dachbodenfund!

EUR 47,50 (5 Bids)
End Date: 19. Jul. 21:08
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Approve me****review/

Advanced Exo **** Unlike diets that deal with low calories or low fat, your goal is to actually ensure that you consume a certain amount of carbs with each meal. However, the importance of following the steps exactly cannot be stressed enough. Everyone’s body is different, so you need to take the time to find out what works for you.


Curious, Not Sure About 45″x225″ Building Banner

Wondering what you folks think. Your professional opinion will be greatly valued. Real interested in the small label stitched at bottom of banner and the faded circle ink stamp. Is this a cotton banner? Picked up from family in Texas. Please save your time and not comment on how these large flags and banners are difficult to display and / or how the larger the flag / banner the less money they command. FWIW, I have little money invested. Thank you for your comments and opinions. Von Ritt

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G’day approval would be nice

Hi, I’m a recent part of the reenactment community in New Zealand where I am a part of the 1st SS. thought id have a look around in this place and see what i can learn.

many Thanks


Reproduction Gravity Knife type 2

New collectors particularly should be aware that a reproduction type 2 Gravity knife made 2020 is currently on sale with a US dealer. It’s quite good and with patina could fool a novice collector. The parts apparently won’t interchange with a genuine knife. Beware fakes are still being made.


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Reproduction PUMA fighting knife

A heads up for collectors, a US dealer is selling a new batch of Puma style fighting knives. Won’t fool the experienced but could trip up a novice collector once aged with some patina. Good to remember fakes are still being made.


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Kragenspiegel, Offizier der Artillerie Wehrmacht und Schirmmütze Schnurr, Dolch

EUR 49,50 (0 Bids)
End Date: 19. Jul. 13:11
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Sturmgewher magazines


Here are three magazines I bought today at a local gun shop for $60 total, plus a free artillery shell. I would be glad to post more pics of course. The two black ones on the left are marked STG 44. The One on the right is marked MP 44.


MP 44


STG 44 (Both)

So how much would these be worth just for the heck of it?

Thank you in advance! Lemme know if you’d like more pics!

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