Archive for July, 2019

Kriegsmarine 100% Originale Sporthose aus der Zeit vor 1945

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 22. Jul. 18:32
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Need help! MK2 helmet South african Pattern dated 1944 and Navy Blue MK3?

I am bought this 2 helmet shells 1 month ago
The MK3 turtle pattern ispainted outside green and inside Navy Blue and the 1944 pattern was Brown thick painted with a P on the left side
The P is not so good visible yet
i have no Idea were it was used

The south african Shell have brodie rivet attetchments which are dated 1944
are they good helmets or one of 1000 never used Shells
I have another South african helmet but it is dated 1942 with other attechments
I am thankful for all comment
best regards

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Kriegsmarine K98k (243)


New K98k for my display - all matching numbers.
Nice condition Kriegsmarine K98K - 243 (Mauser, Borsigwalde) 1940, WaA26, Ostsee marking.
Kriegsmarine stamp faint, but there - stamps in wood tend to become faint over time(especially exposed to moisture).


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Need help! Odd Soviet shell casing

Hi guys,

I really need your help with this item (found in Hanko Finland "Gangut") during the scientific conflict archaeology excavations there. Can anyone please tell me what it is and what the function was?



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Stahlhelm, Helm, Helme

EUR 1,00 (1 Bids)
End Date: 22. Jul. 16:00
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1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuz 1. Klasse Deumer

My latest acquisition. It is marked L11. 13234591323460

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Overhoff of Ludenscheid Totenkopf in CupAl

My newest Overhoff TK is another copper coated aluminum badge retaining most of it’s silver finish and both prongs. Ironically I found photo’s of this same exact badge in my archives from another website. It seems it’s a small circle that these TK’s travel in. I had a silmilar experience with A Danziger skull I bought on one website and found the pictures on two other websites where they had been sold previously. It’s good to know there is a turnaround on TK’s as they are so hard to find at times. Enjoy !

Regards, Al




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Panzerjäger Schulterklappen Feldwebel WK2/ WW2 epaulettes WK2/ Tank hunter

EUR 99,99 (0 Bids)
End Date: 25. Jul. 16:54
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Heer supply administrative epaulette

I think that this is a good leutnant administrator epaulette for supply but will appreciate opinions on this one. Many thanks

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Question Two japanese helmets

Hello dear collectors and history buffs. What is your opinion on the two helmets in black and white? Are they painted for playing children, or used by construction workers? Maybe someone has some suggestions?

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