Archive for March, 2018

Washing: Magma is a natural and anti-bacterial lubricant, however if you can build a penis hygiene is not done often. Normal cleansing of the MRx Male Enhancement glens beneath the MRx Male Enhancement foreskin with lukewarm water and cleaning soap helps put off esophageal pores and skin cells and prevent formation. This precise hygiene practices have to be finished each day, especially in guys with a bent to expand smog as a preventative measure.
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Possible Theater-Made Fighting Knife

I thought I’d share some photos of a knife that I recently purchased at an estate sale. I was late getting to the sale, so I was surprised to see that this item had been passed over. The leather sheath is what initially caught my eye. It seems very similar to WWII theater-made examples that I have seen online. Also, the knife is a re-purposed bayonet but I’m not sure what kind of bayonet. It seems too wide for Japanese and I can make out faint letters on the blade near the cross guard. Anyway, thanks for taking a look.


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U.S. visro cap ID please?

Hello all,

My Grandfather has always had this hat. I have the hat now but am unable to identify it. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

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U.S. visro cap ID please?

Hello all,

My Grandfather has always had this hat. I have the hat now but am unable to identify it. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

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12 Stück Nieten zu innenfutter Stahlhelm helmet Innenteil an Renovierung

EUR 4,00
End Date: 28. Mrz. 10:46
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 4,00
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nuallura serum water and collagen nuallura serum calms the nuallura serum and diminishments beating to making signs. Use this nuallura serum to decrease the mass. It in a general sense hydrates your nuallura serum in like course stamping out perfect around 70% of your nuallura serum issues. The other 30% work is done by the collagen and peptides appear in the nuallura serum . Will you

BEFORE BUY "Nuallura Serum"

Dokument Brief Kopf Der Stahlhelm Wochenschrift Frontsoldaten Magdeburg 1925(158

EUR 3,99 (1 Bids)
End Date: 27. Mrz. 20:53
Bid now | Add to watch list

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Important! Forum does not work currently

At this moment I can not see new posts anymore. I was able yesterday to see some new posts, although they were keep showing and disappearing simultaneously. It seems that currently forum does not work at all.

Best regards,

Need help! 53rd Welsh Division

So I normally don’t do a lot of research into Allied history however I recently decided to start using my grandfather’s war records for a university assignment and so I am trying to do as much research on his division and regiment as possible.

If anyone has any information on the 53rd Welsh Division and the 53rd Recce Regiment in particular please let me know.

I need other soldier experiences and stories in order to flesh out the biography piece.

I also am looking for a book called Welsh Spearhead which is incredibly rare and as such the only libraries that have it are Oxford (who have a tight and lengthy control over it) and in Michigan which is out of the question, at least certainly in the near future. So if anyone has this book - please let me know :)


Oppinions on etched k98 bayonet.

Hello what do you guys think abouth this Bayonet?1180212118021311802141180215

Best Regards Tobias.

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