Archive for December, 2017

Need help! Have never seen one

This has recently come up for auction and is something I have never seen before. I’d like to know if it is legitimate from the time period and if so what was the commemoration for this. Thank you guys for reading.


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Need help! Have never seen one

This has recently come up for auction and is something I have never seen before. I’d like to know if it is legitimate from the time period and if so what was the commemoration for this. Thank you guys for reading.


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German silver medal,info needed

Found in a box of junk,looks german but before ww1,anyone know what it is?

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US NAVY large cap device,ww2?

Great details, maker marked,navy or coastguard?Does it look ww2 era?Any info appreciated.

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WWI Brodies Kings Own Royal Lancasters

Recent local acquisition. Im guessing line officer. Second helmet like this ive owned….a real classic in my opinion. Will start a thread on early rimless Brodies and covers soon.

Ps…. sorry for sideways shots, unsure how to correct.

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Early TR Art’y Crusher

A beauty named to Kreppel….possibly one of Hans old caps? All critique and opinions welcome.

Ps…. sorry for side ways pix…. all were straight from my camera. Forum glich? Please advise as to how to correct, thanks!

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Nahkampfspange in gold, Juncker original?

Hi all,

I have seen this NKS on sale, the seller claims it is (of course) original and gold grade. For once the pictures are quite detailed, I have some doubts about authenticity when I look at the catch (especially the base of the catch). Maybe a staegemeir fake? or I get too paranoid…
Furthermore, I’m not sure about the grade. I would say it is gold grade with a part of the finish absorbed by the metal but couldn’t it be a bronze grade under artificial light?
Well, I’m sceptical with it and would like to know your opinions.

thank you by advance for your comments.




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Need help! Wilhelm Lechner Personnel Records

Hello, I need the gist of these records in the red box. I dont need it word for word just the gist of the translation


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My First FJ Helmet

I first bought this helmet from Billy Shea in 1994 - a double decal paratrooper. *It wasn’t in great shape but it was real and it was in a price range that I could afford.** It was my first FJ, and I really got attached to it. *Reluctantly I*traded it away about 5 years ago as part of a deal for a pretty nice M42 DD DR SS helmet. *Several years later it appeared on a dealer’s site and I had to get it back. *It is an ET71 shell*but has what I am sure is a War time replacement size 57 liner - an early one with the yellow crash pads. *The Fallschirmjager who last wore it in battle*most certainly was KIA. *There are two concussion cracks on the top of the dome, and there are the telltale "corpse cut" remnants of the harness. *The leather of the liner was very dry and fragile and had a few tears when I first owned it. *Unfortunately, it*has sustained*additional*damage,*probably during shipping*in the several transfers*since I parted with it in the trade, but is mostly still there. *Despite the battle damage, I think it still displays well and I*really do like it. *It was, after all, my first. *Here it is, I hope you like it as much as I do. *Jim G.

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Help me identify this U.S. pin

My apologies for the crappy photo it’s the only one I have at this moment. This pin is Sterling about 2 in across never seen one before. The tag doesnt necessarily mean its correct. Theres a rifle and lighning bolt crisscrossed behing the shield

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