Luftwaffe Kragenspiegel Luftschutz SHD Air Protection collar tabs
EUR 26,90 End Date: 30. Nov. 13:42 Buy It Now for only: US EUR 26,90 Buy it now | Add to watch list |
Militaria and WW2 history forum and topsites. Sõja ajaloo portaal.
EUR 26,90 End Date: 30. Nov. 13:42 Buy It Now for only: US EUR 26,90 Buy it now | Add to watch list |
EUR 79,90 (0 Bids) End Date: 07. Nov. 12:31 Bid now | Add to watch list |
Anyway, from the research i have done i would THINK this came from a 24 cm SK L/40 gun, as the caliber is roughly 24cm but closer to 25cm but i found no record of a 25cm gun used by Germany at that time from my very limited research. There was another gun of the same diameter but that one used bagged charges instead of cased.
I’d love to own the actual shell that came with it but yeah, one can dream… Or be rich… Or know the right people :p
Any ideas from the experts?
by: waffen44
Description: I am starting to sell through my old collection of SS Dog tags, please drop me a PM with your interests and I will revert with an indication on the prices.
EUR 50,00 End Date: 04. Nov. 13:13 Buy It Now for only: US EUR 50,00 Buy it now | Add to watch list |
EUR 39,00 End Date: 30. Nov. 08:13 Buy It Now for only: US EUR 39,00 Buy it now | Add to watch list |
EUR 59,99 End Date: 30. Nov. 08:10 Buy It Now for only: US EUR 59,99 Buy it now | Add to watch list |
EUR 8,98 End Date: 07. Nov. 05:34 Buy It Now for only: US EUR 8,98 Buy it now | Add to watch list |
I am trying to determine what the maker mark is on this 1944 dated Winter Fur Hat. It appears to be
O Neusiedl
XX RudXburg
It is very hard to read, and I cannot seem to get a good picture. It is above the Size marking in the picture. (Sorry, I could not get the picture to rotate correctly) Any ideas?
Thank you in advance..