Hello folks,
I’m trying to gather information about the uniforms worn on Crete by the British troops. I have most of the equipment but the uniform is proving to be a pain…
So far I’ve figured the type of KD shorts I need but I’m having some trouble with the shirt/jacket.
The questions are:
-What is the type of the jacket?
-Did they wear a jacket or a shirt?
-What kind of buttons should I put on it? Plain or with a crest?
…and a bonus one: up to what rank did the british soldier carry a webbing with ammo pouches, entreching kit, water bottle, havershack etc? (that is for the eppaulettes I’m looking to purchase)
If you could answer or point me to the right direction it’d be much appreciated. I’m looking for a nice book regarding the KD uniforms but I can’t find any…
ps I know that the soldiers on Crete were dressed with all kinds of equipment and peieces of uniform but I’m trying to build a ‘normal’ one if that makes any sense.
Thank you!